A three-day birthday party was held for the 190-year-old, record-breaking turtle
2022. 12. 03.
A three-day birthday party was held for the 190-year-old, record-breaking turtle
Jonathan is the most respected resident of the Atlantic island of St. Helena. The animal was born in 1832, before the coronation of the British Queen Victoria and 16 years before the outbreak of the Hungarian Revolution.
When Jonathan moved to Szent Ilona, people went with horses and carts and lit candles. In the intervening time, the industrial revolution took place, the rise and fall of the British Empire, two world wars and a cold war. And Jonathan was just living and enjoying himself the whole time.
Jonathan is a local celebrity of sorts in St. Ilona, which is only 122 square kilometers and has a population of less than 4,500. His weekend-long series of birthday celebrations, which began on December 2, was organized by the island's tourism office, reports the British tabloid Daily Star.